4th March 2019


A fractured wrist has greatly limited my stitching ability for the last 5 weeks. However, I have persevered with my left hand, and have managed some 'boro-style' experiments, see my blog post.


My Lynwoodcrafts shop is looking quite depleated and I am anxious to start replacing stock as soon as this plaster is removed - next week hopefully. I am also very clumsy on-line - I need two hands. However, I am managing to do a little tidying here!


Sustainability is an increasingly important theme to me. I have ordered some vintage threads and some lovely vintage lace from on-line sellers and am looking forward to their arrival so I can dream about two-handed (or, more importantly, right handed) sewing opportunities for them. A recent blog post seeks to take stock of my household sustainabilty - I know I have much progress to make and increasingly feel a sense of urgency!


The images below show some recent listings and some left-handed boro.